Have I coined a new word?
What does it mean? Please read on…
Subtly in us works
The Spirit’s grace.
Not grasping,
Or abusing,
Nor should we
Find that confusing:
He who made us
Knows our nature’s pace.
On a seedbed
Rich in willingness,
Worms of woe
Can break our crust;
With humbled,
Fertile trust,
We may allow Him
Into our mess.
The rain of pain
And affliction’s squall,
Can moisten
And pierce our shell;
To burst forth
In germination’s swell,
New life sprouting
Where death was all.
Performing hagiosynthesis,
The Advocate
Works with a creator’s care;
In our soul’s dark lair,
A delicate and seamless osmosis.
Sweet sacramental sap,
Coursing through our Christ-joined stem,
Enables us to bloom
And grow like Him:
Ideal nourishment
For witnessing.
Thus the Holy Spirit’s
Profound caress:
Laden with the Kingdom’s fruits,
How He longs
To bring on shoots:
Ripe with loving kindness.