This poem is an attempt to use the stirring tune known to millions as the “Battle Hymn of the Republic”, but with hopefully more modern words. I have not slavishly followed the original’s rhythm but I hope it all holds together.
My eyes have seen
The beauty of a love
Surpassing great,
A love sprung from
A source that men seem
Slow to appreciate,
A love that flows
From a wellspring
Where all men can be sate;
If they would yet believe.
My ears have heard
The insistent call of
The Good News from above,
The hope that’s held
By revelation’s
Unconditional love,
A gift that’s
Beyond anything we’re
Capable of dreaming of;
If we would yet give heed.
My heart has felt
The soothing glow of
The Spirit’s warming grace,
The Advocate
Who dwells in us and
In every single race,
Consoling us
And guiding us
That we might see His face;
If we would tend that seed.
My mind has known
The rightness of the
Sermon on the Mount,
That golden rule
That conscience hails
As wisdom’s very fount,
A way of life
And loving on which
Every man can count;
Which we in faith receive.
My tongue tell forth
The glories of a
Gospel of great joy,
A child was born
To be something more
Than just a mere envoy,
To manifest
A perfect love which
Evil could never destroy;
In Him we find reprieve.
My soul, my soul
Shall be received
In that eternal home,
My hurts and wounds
Forever healed as
Evil’s overcome,
And all men sing
In togetherness
Their chorus of shalom!
God’s kingdom will succeed!
God’s kingdom will succeed!