The sacraments of the Church map key faith milestones in our lives. But what in essence do they do for us?
Grace guaranteed.
Beyond all doubt.
Salvation’s seed.
Liturgical clout.
Human minister
Can never hinder
God’s help-handing.
God is behind it.
He well knows our lack.
For our benefit,
He takes up the slack.
Grace guaranteed.
More than just sign.
For hearts palsied,
Healing design.
Grace is conferred,
With no strings attached.
Where we have erred,
Remedy dispatched.
Life’s great milestones:
Public celebrations.
His gift intones
More than adumbrations.
We still need to
Cooperate with grace.
No magic brew
To take effort’s place.
Sacraments show
His caring intent.
We need to know
Our role’s extent.
To work with grace:
He will never abuse;
He gives us space;
We still need to choose.
These seven great
Faith power stations,
Can generate
The Church’s glory,
His gift sublime,
Touching our story,
Time after time.
This is holy fact,
Though faith-dependent:
Church rite to enact,
One hundred percent.
Proof of His love for us,
And consubstantial
With the gift of Jesus
By means liturgical.
Savour the Saviour,
Giving Himself entire:
That hidden treasure,
Which will never expire.
Take of the Host,
Receive sacred oils,
Make of the most,
Embracing the spoils.
We are not orphaned,
Left to our own devices;
Never abandoned,
The sacrament suffices.
Let the faithful exult!
Let the church bells ring!
For we have a result:
Manna for witnessing.
For God is with us;
Alleluia! Amen!
When things are parlous,
There’s remedy for sin!
Grace guaranteed…
We can rely on this.
Assured indeed,
No greater promise.
Grace guaranteed…
Power for living.
Catholic creed:
Divine self-giving..