
Life – how very precious! Life – what a challenge!


Human life is both gift and task:

Gift – given god-gladly gratis.

No conferring, conferring done-ness;

Copious, covenanted promise.


Task – be all you can be;

Seize the moment or let pass;

Who will lose out if you sulk?

Bemoaning your hand is crass.


Alive in the present, present

To every possibility; open

Doors, arms, and attitudes;

Change-embracing, ever hoping


Sisyphus-centric, false vision,

Forcing faint-hearted to falter.

Our task is simply acceptance,

Thankful hearts on His altar.


Unwrap the gift, cherish each

And every new opportunity.

Life’s way too short not to;

And then there’s – immortality!


Thankfulness and praise, our call:

Alleluia’ing our Easter chorus.

Join the conga-line of freedom;

Follow Him who’s gone before us.


Sing, celebrate, raise the toast!

Laugh a little, laugh a lot!

Let the furrowed brows relax;

Worries’ll keep, will they not?


Wise advice from the Master:

Cultivate the child’s glad glee:

To see the wonder in a worm;

Natural, vibrant, fun and free.


Faith, irrational or supra-rational?

Over-analyse and you’ll paralyse,

Emotion, passion, sense-deprive,

Shrivelled souls – none too wise.


Lord, for tomorrow I have the

Very greatest expectations.

Bring it on, and make me strong;

Help me savour anticipations!


Lord, for today, I want it all!

Glass half full and getting fuller,

Float my vision to higher-rizons,

Open my sight to Your treasure.


Ologies and isms, paltry-promise,

And red herrings for life’s catch.

Desiderata your life stance:

Be content with your epitaph!